Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What to Expect When Your Friends Are Expecting

The past 5 years of my life have been filled with engagements, weddings, and as of last September babies.  None of which were my own, except for that one time in Vegas...just kidding!  Currently, two of my closest girlfriends are expecting their first babies and another dear friend had her beautiful daughter last September.  Charlotte has even started a blog about her little "banana".

It is interesting to see how our relationships have changed over the 10+ years.  We are all at different stages of our lives and our priorities vary, but we still "get" each other and for that I am grateful.  

There are tons of books for moms-to-be and dads-to-be but what about those childless pseudo aunts and uncles-to-be?  Of course I realize our friendships are going to dramatically change. The amount of time we spend together is going to drastically shrink.  No one knows what the future holds, but I'm excited to see what is in store for all of us!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

T- minus 19 Days

In 19 short days I will no longer be living alone.  The love of my life will be returning home from Hong Kong and we can hopefully get back to our "normal lives".  I feel like I have managed well on my own, but man do I miss him!  Today I started a deep cleaning of our apartment and even went out to purchase a few new things.  It will certainly be an interesting transition as we learn to be a couple again, but I can't wait.  Happy Cinco de Mayo!

(These beauties are missing him too!)